Monday, December 22, 2008


I love badminton. my frens sometimes proclaim me an addict to badminton. Yeah, i play like 2 or 3 times a week at least. Why badminton? It's just like asking a drunkard, y keep drinking alcohol and n ending up pissing yourself all over? there are frens who are just like me, badminton lovers (or u can say badminton addicts). i love everyhing of badminton. the sweat. the feeling of sitting and watching a good game (or bad ones) from the bench. the sound of smashing. the sight of people falling on the floor after failing miserably to return the shuttle. of coz followed by sound of laughing. then comes the turn to play. briefly forgetting the realities of life and just focusing on the game :D. this post sounds abstract to many, but badminton players will understand this. Happy smashing!

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